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DigitALL @ NUS SoC 2023 Speakers

Purnima Dayanand Kamath

Purnima is a PhD researcher who is passionate about bridging the gap between arts and technology by building simplified tools for creativity.


Pin Sym Foong

Dr. Foong is the Head of Design at the Telehealth Core, a research centre that supports and studies the development of eHealth projects at the National University of Singapore Health System.


Michelle Ho

Dr. Michelle H. S. Ho (she, her) is an Assistant Professor of Feminist and Queer Cultural Studies in the Department of Communications and New Media (CNM) at the National University of Singapore (NUS).


Zhang Weiyu

Dr. Weiyu Zhang is the Director of the Civic Tech Lab, currently located at the Department of Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore.


Athira Krishnan Sreedevi

Athira is a third year PhD student at CQT, working on probing and simulation of Ultracold atoms in Optical Lattices.


Wei Cui

Cui Wei is a lecturer in the Department of Information Systems and Analytics (DISA) at NUS. She received her PhD from NUS and her BEng (First Class Honours) from NTU.


Teodora Baluta

Teodora Baluta is a PhD candidate at the National University of Singapore (NUS), advised by Prof. Prateek Saxena and Prof. Kuldeep S. Meel.


Ayesha Reezwana

Ayesha is an electrical engineer with a masters in computer science and engineering. She started working at CQT, NUS in 2018 on a cubesatellite project, SpooQY-1.


Lingfeng Pei

Pei Lingfeng is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore, advised by Prof. Trevor E. Carlson.

Organising Committee

A/P Bimlesh Wadhwa

Molly Kruko, CCSGP Manager

Danielle Ong Dan Ning, Masters of Computing (General Track)

Nayanthara (Nayan) Prathap, Masters of Computing (General Track)


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